Vasco Duarte asked #NoEstimatesQuestions on Twitter some time ago and collected them to his blog (part I, part II). One of the questions I asked was: Is there some analogy between SQL/NoSQL and Estimates/#NoEstimates? Vasco gave a short reply and promised to get back to the subject in a later post.
I forgot the whole question but remembered it again last week when Antti Sulanto wrote a post where he tells why he doesn't like #NoEstimates. Which reminded me of Ron Jeffries' excellent post about NoEstimates movement. What's similar for both of the posts is that they seem to be a bit worried about the extreme tone of the word No.
I see it a bit differently. I see it somewhat in the same way as the No in NoSQL. All of you who have read about NoSQL are aware how for example Twitter cannot and doesn't have to rely on traditional transactional and relational storage solutions when taking account the huge amount of data they are storing. So NoSQL doesn't mean that you should never use relational databases and SQL. NoSQL just offers superior solutions for certain kind of situations.
In the same way I'm interested to understand better what is software development like when we don't estimate. I'm not looking for software development world where we don't ever estimate in any situation.
But! If I see a case that would be typically solved with estimates, I don't want to start with accepting that as an only or best option. I rather try to understand what could be a better way. Because I am one of those who have seen how estimates have wasted a lot of valuable time without adding much value and how estimates have been used to make decisions when something else was rather needed. Neither I want to say that #NoEstimates is a stupid hashtag because there will always be cases where estimates provide value.
My personal work history contains four projects where our development team didn't estimate the work beforehand but rather focused on the flow and possibly measured the actual throughput and/or lead time. Experiences from those projects encourage me to continue exploring the alternatives to estimates. Without worrying too much about the word No.